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Panera Descended!

[Duration]: 8/1 (Wed), 6:00 PM - 8/5 (Sun), 11:59 PM (UTC-8)

The entertaining jester is here to play tricks on you in the Panera Descended! This dungeon comes in three difficulties: Mythical, Legend Plus, and Annihilation! Come enjoy this circus of a dungeon and be ready for a big surprise at the show’s finale where New Beast-Taming Star, Panera will show off tricks like you’ve never seen before!

Multiplayer Panera Descended! will also be available in the 3-Player Mode Multiplayer Dungeons for a limited time!

Recipe *Panera’s Ultimate Evolution requires a Firespike Hell Beast, Manticore; Monstrous Beast of the Gleaming Peak, Bigfoot; Monstrous Cetacean of the Clouds, Moby Dick as well as other materials.

*These monsters can be exchanged for Gems necessary for Panera’s Ultimate Evolution in the Monster Exchange.

Materials: Firespike Hell Beast, Manticore's Gem / Monstrous Beast of the Gleaming Peak, Bigfoot's Gem / Monstrous Cetacean of the Clouds, Moby Dick's Gem / Jewel of Wood / Jewel of Fire

Monster Details

*These pictures are based on when the monster levels and skill levels are Max. Monsters will not drop with these levels. *Players will receive Panera in her pre-evolved form.

Notes: *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary. *If the player does not meet the Stamina requirement to enter the dungeon, the dungeon will not be shown in Special Dungeons. Stamina overflow does not change this requirement.

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