Returning-Claw Blue Dragonbound, Ryune; Cutting-Claw Green Dragonbound, Sylvie; and Burning Time Dragonbound, Myr have received new Ultimate Evolutions! In addition, select monsters such as Ash Phantom Demon of Deliverance, Ilmina and Stasis Norn, Planar have received upgrades!

Monster Details

Active Skill Changes

Leader Skill Changes

Awoken Skill Changes
*The Version 15.3 update has made adjustments to the effects of select Skills, such as “Alexandrite of Calmness”. See here for more details regarding this change.

Level Limit Breakthroughs
Thunder Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney Coiled Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney Quartz Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney Unleashed Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney Nocturnal Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney Scorched Claw Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton Drilling Shark Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton Horned Fort Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton Sacred Beast Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton Jester Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton Anamnesis Norn, Planar Stasis Norn, Planar Mega Awoken Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia Clea Mega Awoken Green Dragon Caller, Sonia Fio Gleaming Time Dragonbound, Myr Mega Awoken Blue Dragonbound, Ryune Mega Awoken Green Dragonbound, Sylvie
Adjustments to Stats After Level Limit Breakthrough The following monsters have received improvements to their stats after performing a Level Limit Breakthrough.
Eldora Armor X Dragon Caller, Ana
New Super Awakenings *After meeting the Super Awakening conditions, one of three Super Awakening Skills will be randomly unlocked.

Voice Credits
Cipher Dragon Caller, Ney; and her 5 Ultimate Evolutions Voice Actor: Jenny Silver
Toy Dragon Caller, Cotton; and her 5 Ultimate Evolutions Voice Actor: Jenny Simma
Phantom Demon of the Grimoire, Ilmina / Ash Phantom Demon of Deliverance, Ilmina Voice Actor: Hannah Weakley
Aqualily Goddess of Bliss, Uruka / Darkstar Goddess of Bliss, Uruka Voice Actor: Chitose Morinaga
Anamnesis Norn, Planar/Stasis Norn, Planar Voice Actor: Hannah Weakley
Mega Awoken Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia Clea Voice Actor: Hannah Weakley
Mega Awoken Green Dragon Caller, Sonia Fio Voice Actor: Hannah Weakley
Playful Time Dragonbound, Myr/Gleaming Time Dragonbound, Myr Voice Actor: Jenny Simma
Mega Awoken Blue Dragonbound, Ryune Voice Actor: Jenny Simma
Mega Awoken Green Dragonbound, Sylvie Voice Actor: Jenny Simma
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.