[Duration]: 9/13 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 9/22 (Sun), 11:59 PM (UTC-8)
As of today, Puzzle & Dragons has been available in North America for 2,499 days! To celebrate the 2,500 day anniversary for Puzzle & Dragons, the Extreme TAMADRA Carnival will be available in the Pal Egg Machine for a limited time!
Also, as a part of the 2,500 day anniversary celebration, we’re giving away 25,000 Pal Points once to anyone that logs in to Puzzle & Dragons while Extreme TAMADRA Carnival is active, 9/13 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 9/22 (Sun), 11:59 PM (UTC-8)!
Thank you very much for playing Puzzle & Dragons, and we hope to see you in the livestream chat tomorrow!