[Starting]: 1/14 (Tue), 11:00 AM (PST)
To celebrate the release of Puzzle & Dragons GOLD on the Nintendo Switch, two new monsters featured in the game are coming to Puzzle & Dragons! See here to learn more about Puzzle & Dragons GOLD!
For a limited time, players will receive Toragon just for logging in! Additionally, Ultra New Dragon, Toragon is coming to the Monster Exchange!
Get Toragon just for logging in! [Distribution Period]: 1/14 (Tue), 11:00 AM - 1/21 (Tue), 10:59 AM (PST)
Toragon, the loveable companion from Puzzle & Dragons GOLD, is making his Puzzle & Dragons debut! Log in during the distribution period to receive the mascot of the newest entry in the Puzzle & Dragons series!
Character Details

*This image shows the monster level and skill level at their maximum values. The monster will not be at these values when received.
Level Limit Breakthrough & Super Awakening *After meeting the Super Awakening conditions, one Super Awakening Skill will be randomly unlocked.

*Toragon will be delivered via in-game mail to players who log in during the distribution period. *To receive this monster, players must have available space in their in-game mail. *Gifts via in-game mail have expiration dates. When an in-game mail expires, attached monsters, Magic Stones, Dungeons, Coins, and any points such as Pal Points will become unredeemable.
Ultra New Dragon, Toragon comes to the Monster Exchange! [Starting]: 1/14 (Tue), 11:00 AM (PST)
Starting on 1/14, the powerful Puzzle & Dragons GOLD Leader Monster, Ultra New Dragon, Toragon; joins the Monster Exchange lineup! Located in the [Event] tab of the Monster Exchange, players can exchange 3 Event Medal - Black to get their hands on this new monster!
Character Details
Ultra New Dragon, Toragon

*This image shows the monster level and skill level at their maximum values. The monster will not be at these values when purchased.
Level Limit Breakthrough & Super Awakening *After meeting the Super Awakening conditions, one Super Awakening Skill will be randomly unlocked.

Notes: *If a required monster is set on a team, that monster cannot be selected for the exchange. *All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.