[Pal Points Duration]: 4/18, 18:00 - 5/9, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Log in during the duration to receive 6,000 Pal Points each day via in-game mail!
Players can receive up to a total of 126,000 Pal Points!
Monster Enhance Carnival
[Duration]: 4/18, 18:00 - 4/28, 17:59 (UTC-8)
The lineup includes Diamond Dragon Fruit; Giant Fire Gem; Huge Water Gem; and more!
Extreme Enhance Carnival
[Duration]: 4/28, 18:00 - 5/9, 17:59 (UTC-8)
The lineup includes Super Snow Globe Dragon; Super King Metal Dragon; and more!
*Please note that 17:59 (UTC-8) is the Pal Points distribution deadline for each day, and 5/9, 17:59 (UTC-8) will be the distribution deadline for 5/8.
*Please check the contents of the Pal Egg Machines by pressing the “Lineup” button from the Pal Egg Machine menu.