The first Twitch stream of the year went off with a bang! Antonio and Syless entertained us with their bountiful knowledge and tons of helpful tips. Richard and our special guest Meowmunist impressed us with their criminally smooth dungeon challenge! As a result of our most recent performance, we’re giving out the following rewards to all players! Distribution dates and methods will be announced at a later point in time, so stay tuned! The Rewards are as follows: 5 Magic Stones and 5 Pys for Ricahrd’s and Meowmunist’s vampire slaying in Gilles Legato Descended! If you missed the show and would like to watch the archive, you can view it here: https://bit.ly/1cYmawY And to the rest of you that saw the stream, what did you think? What did you like? Dislike? Share your thoughts in the comments below! We would like to thank our guest streamer Meowmunist for joining us today! If you would like to see more of his silly antics and crazy good puzzling skills, check out all of his media outlets! Meowmunist https://www.instagram.com/meowmunist/