The distribution date for the August Twitch Stream rewards has been determined!
From 8/15 (Wed), the following rewards will be distributed to all players as a Login Bonus:
5 Magic Stones
1 Py Egg Machine
1 Awoken Killer Egg Machine
Egg Machine Lineups
Py Egg Machine
★8 Rainbowpy
★7 Flampy Bubpy Woodpy Shynpy Badpy
Awoken Killer Egg Machine
★7 Latent TAMADRA (God Killer) Latent TAMADRA (Dragon Killer) Latent TAMADRA (Devil Killer) Latent TAMADRA (Machine Killer) Latent TAMADRA (Balanced Killer) Latent TAMADRA (Attacker Killer) Latent TAMADRA (Physical Killer) Latent TAMADRA (Healer Killer)
If you missed the show and would like to watch the archive, you can view it here: https://bit.ly/2KPPx5x
Notes: *Login Bonuses are available from 8/15 (Wed), 4:00 AM until 8/22 (Wed), 3:59 AM (UTC-8). *Players will receive the rewards through in-game mail. Players can check their mail by accessing the Mail/Friend Invites screen from the [Friends] menu. If the mail does not show up in the mailbox, please try returning to the title screen or restarting the app. Please try opening the app again if the rewards are not received. *Gifts via in-game mail have expiration dates. When an in-game mail expires, attached monsters, Magic Stones, Dungeons, Coins, and any points such as Pal Points will become unredeemable. For more details on in-game mail expiration dates, see here: https://bit.ly/2AhoSKh