[Starting]: 4/23, 0:00 (UTC-8)
The final floor, Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity will be added to the Technical Dungeon, Unknown Nova-Supergravity!
That’s not all! Players can play 2 Special Title Challenge! Dungeons starting 4/23, 0:00 (UTC-8) to receive titles!
Additionally, the new monster, Gokrex, will be available at the Monster Exchange!
The Final Floor Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity Arrives!
The Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity floor will appear after clearing the Gazillion-Dragon of Chaos-Superaltitude floor of the Unknown Nova-Supergravity dungeon!

This floor will reward players with a large amount of EXP and Coins, and 2970 + Points each time it’s cleared!
Additionally, when defeating monsters in route or the boss, Gokrex, this floor is guaranteed to drop the following monsters!
Monsters Guaranteed to Drop
Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity, Gokrex's Gem
Any 1 of the following Monsters:
Super Ivory Dragon's Gem
Super Basilisk's Gem
2x Latent TAMADRA (Damage Limit Break)
9x 6-Slot Latent TAMADRA (Random)
Monsters that Drop at a Fixed Rate
Super Holy Dragon's Gem
Super Devil Dragon's Gem
Quindecillion Malice Title Challenge!-Time limit 40 mins
[Duration]: 4/23, 0:00 - 5/12, 23:59 (UTC-8)
This dungeon is the Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity floor, with solo-play only and a 40 minute time limit.
All players who manage to clear this dungeon within the time limit will receive the [Quindecillion Malice] title!
[極悪] (Quindecillion Malice) Title

[12] Title Challenge!-Time limit 40 mins
[Duration]: 4/23, 0:00 - 5/12, 23:59 (UTC-8)
This one-time clear dungeon is based off the Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity floor, but adjusted to be easy to clear, such as removing the Supergravity restriction and reducing the number of battles!
Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity, Gokrex's Gem will drop from this dungeon as well!
All players who manage to clear this dungeon within the time limit will receive the [12] title!
[十弐] (12) Title

*If the dungeon is not cleared before 3:59 of the following day of the end duration, players will not be eligible to receive the title.
*The dungeon rewards screen must appear for the dungeon to be counted as cleared.
*If an in-game name is seen as inappropriate, the player may not be eligible to receive the title. For more information on our policy on in-game names, see here.
*If it is suspected that there has been any manipulation of data, use of unlicensed programs, or any suspicious activities, those players suspected of such activities will be eliminated from the gifting process.
*If players are unable to clear the dungeon within the time limit or close/switch out of the Puzzle & Dragons app after entering the Time Attack dungeon, it will result in a Game Over.
*If Orb movement feels slow, please go to [Others] > [Options] > [Process] Reduction and turn on Simple Background. All dungeon backgrounds will be changed to the background of the Departure Tower dungeon.
New Monster Available at the Monster Exchange!
[Starting]: 4/23, 0:00 (UTC-8)
Gokrex will be available at the Monster Exchange!
Collect the Gems that drop from the Quindecillion-Legged Malicious Entity floor and exchange them for Gokrex!
See here for further information on Gokrex: https://bit.ly/3TXx9xf

*Gokrex is also obtainable from select Egg Machines, such as Godfests.
New Evolutions & Upgrades!

Following the maintenance on 4/17, select monsters, such as Super Volcano Dragon, have received Upgrades!
In addition, select monsters have received new Evolutions as well!
See here for more details: https://bit.ly/3Q8fmlV