Monsters Permanently Available Starting 4/26, 0:00 (UTC-8)
Seiryuu, Karin Dragon
Underworld Beast, Hades Dragon
Heavenly Dancing Beast, Amaterasu Dragon
Mechanical Scorpio, Metal Antares
Suzaku, Leilan Pheasant
Mechanical Virgo, Metal Spica
Genbu, Meimei Tortoise
Mechanical Aries, Metal Hamal
Courageous Demibeast, Gilgamesh Kuur
Mechanical Pisces, Metal Alrescha
Ethereal Warbeast, Enkidu Kuur
Chthonic Wraith, Allatu Kuur
Mechanical Gemini, Metal Pollux
Mechanical Cancer, Metal Acubens
Kirin, Sakuya Origin
Byakko, Haku Tiger
Wicked Flame Beast, Belial Dragon
Wise Wraith,
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.
*If the changes are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.