[Duration]: 1/20 (Thu), 0:00 - 1/28 (Fri), 23:59 (PST)
A new Special Dungeon, Mut Descended! arrives!
This dungeon will be available in the Annihilation and Extreme Annihilation difficulty level!
Fight your way through battles with powerful monsters to make your way to the final battle where Aqua Pillar Goddess of Clear Air, Mut awaits! When defeated, Aqua Pillar Goddess of Clear Air, Mut will drop Aqua Pillar Goddess of Clear Air, Mut’s Gem at a fixed rate. Aqua Pillar Goddess of Clear Air, Mut’s Gem can be used to perform an Ultimate Evolution on Aqua Pillar Goddess of Air Mastery, Mut to evolve into Aqua Pillar Goddess of Clear Air, Mut!
In addition, during the same period, Multiplayer! Mut Descended!. will be available in 3-Player Multiplayer!
★Clear Mut Descended! for first-time clear rewards!
Players will receive special rewards for clearing Mut Descended!. for the first time!
First-Time Clear Rewards
Annihilation… Super Snow Globe Dragon; Diamond Dragon Fruit; Ancient Tri-God Mask
Extreme Annihilation... 3x Event Medal - Rainbow; 3,000 + Points
*In order to receive the bonus first time clear rewards, players will need to complete the dungeon within 24 hours of the dungeon end time listed above. If a player has already entered a dungeon but clears it after the 24 hour grace period, they will not receive the bonus rewards.
*Multiplayer! Mut Descended!. does not provide players with the bonus first time clear rewards.
★New Huge Gems will be added to the Monster Exchange!
[Starting] 1/20 (Thu), 0:00 (PST)
Aqua Pillar Goddess of Clear Air, Mut’s Gem will be added to the Huge Gem lineup in the Monster Exchange!
*Please check the Huge Gem lineup at the Monster Exchange for more details.
*If the lineup change does not show up in your Monster Exchange, go to Others and select “Return to Title Screen.” If this method does not work, try restarting the app.

*These pictures are based on when the monster levels and skill levels are Max. Monsters will not drop with these levels.

Descended Dungeons available for a limited time!
[Duration]: 1/20 (Thu), 0:00 - 1/28 (Fri), 23:59 (PST)
Select Descended Dungeons will be available to play any time during the duration above!
Take this chance to obtain Gems to evolve monsters receiving upgrades!
Select Descended Dungeons
Amen Descended!
Khonsu Descended!-All Att. Req.
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.
*If the player does not meet the Stamina requirement to enter the dungeon, the dungeon will not be displayed under Special Dungeons. Stamina overflow does not change this requirement.