For a limited time, players can play the Neo Gazillion Title Challenge! to receive the [Gazillion (Lit)] title!
Additionally, the fastest player to clear the dungeon will receive a very special title!
That’s not all! New monsters such as Lit Gazillion Omni-Dragon, Aggregate and Dim Gazillion Omni-Dragon, Aggregate will be available at the Monster Exchange!
Lastly, a new floor will be added to the Technical Dungeon, Return of the Transcendent Stars-Supergravity!
Neo Gazillion Title Challenge!-Time limit 40 mins Arrives!
[Duration]: 1/31, 0:00 - 2/23, 23:59 (PST)
The Special Dungeon, Neo Gazillion Title Challenge!-Time limit 40 mins, arrives for a limited time!
In this dungeon, the HP of Physical type monsters will be increased by 1.5x!
This high-difficulty dungeon has a time limit and can only be challenged as solo play!
All players who manage to clear this dungeon will receive the [Gazillion (Lit)] via in-game mail!
[億兆(煌窮)] (Gazillion (Lit)) Title

In the final battle, one of the monsters below will randomly invade the dungeon!
Additionally, players will be able to receive select Gems at a fixed rate through drops and Part Break!
Each gem can be used for Assist Evolutions and at the Monster Exchange for select monsters!
▼Example of Completion Reward

See here for more information on Part Break.
Who Will Receive the [Fastest] Title!? Time Attack Ranking Arrives!
After the duration of the Neo Gazillion Title Challenge!-Time limit 40 mins, the final results will be calculated and the top 3 fastest players will be announced!
The player who manages to clear this dungeon with the fastest time will receive the [Fastest] title via in-game mail!
[最速] (Fastest) Title

*Players who have already received a title will not be eligible to receive the same title once more.
*If an in-game name is seen as inappropriate, the player may not be eligible to receive the title. For more information on our policy on in-game names, see here.
*If it is suspected that there has been any manipulation of data, use of unlicensed programs, or any suspicious activities, those players suspected of such activities will be eliminated from the gifting process.
*If players are unable to clear the dungeon within the time limit or close/switch out of the Puzzle & Dragons app after entering the Time Attack dungeon, it will result in a Game Over.
New Monsters Available at the Monster Exchange!
[Starting]: 1/31, 0:00 (PST)

*The above monsters for exchange are also obtainable from select Egg Machines, such as Godfests.
The New Floor, Gazillion-Dragon of the Five Peaks-Supergr./Superalt./Phys. Enh., Arrives!
[Starting]: 2/12, 0:00 (PST)
The new floor, Gazillion-Dragon of the Five Peaks-Supergr./Superalt./Phys. Enh. will be added to the Technical Dungeon, Return of the Transcendent Stars-Supergravity!
This floor will appear after clearing the Gazillion-Dragon of Chaos-Superaltitude floor of the Unknown Nova-Supergravity dungeon!
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.