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New Dungeons Arrive!

The popular Special Dungeon, Billion Title Challenge!-Time limit 60 mins, arrives once more as a Limited Time Dungeon!

Additionally, another type of Limited Time Dungeon will be added!

Check out the Limited Time Dungeon schedule for each day by tapping the [LTD] button at the top right corner of the screen, or by navigating to [Others] > [Limited Time Dungeon Schedule]!

What’s more, a new Technical Dungeon arrives!

New Limited Time Dungeons Arrive!

[Starting]: 1/20 (PST) 

Billion Dungeon-Solo/No Continues

Every time you clear this dungeon, you’ll receive:

  • 1 billion Rank EXP

  • 1 billion Coins

  • and more!

▼Example of Completion Reward

Additionally, select bosses from Unknown Nova-Supergravity, such as Type-100 Dragon, Byakurenko, will invade the dungeon!

The monsters below will drop at a fixed rate.

TAMA+ Carnival-No Dupes

Get both TAMADRA and + Points in this dungeon!

▼Example of Completion Reward

New Technical Dungeon Arrives!

[Starting]: 1/20, 0:00 (PST)

∞ Solo Colosseum

In exchange for the adjusted 100 million Rank EXP of the Billion Title Challenge!-Time limit 60 mins, the Technical Dungeon, ∞ Solo Colosseum, will have select restrictions relaxed!

This dungeon will appear once the Hundred-Dragon of the Tempering Embers floor of Return of the Transcendent Stars-Supergravity has been cleared!

▼Example of Completion Reward


*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.

*If the changes are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.

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