Monsters from the Fest Exclusive Heroine series such as Phantom Demon of the Grimoire, Ilmina; and Great Witch's Disciple, Chakeol have received Assist Evolutions!
Additionally, the newly added monster Fairy King's Maid, Pattie has received a new Assist Evolution as well. Select monsters have also been given upgrades!
See here for more information about the Fest Exclusive Heroine Event: https://bit.ly/3imz5xV

Skills Upgrade

Leader Skill Upgrade

Awoken Skill Adjustments

Level Limit Breakthroughs & Super Awakenings

Stat Changes

Parameter Adjustments for Select Monsters after Level Limit Breakthrough

Skill Name Changes

*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.
*If the changes are not displayed in-game, please try exiting the app completely and rebooting your device.