[Duration]: Starting on 8/19 (UTC-8)
Starting on 8/19 (UTC-8), two new Limited Time Dungeons will be available to challenge!
Added Dungeons
★7 Fest Exclusive Gem Rush!-Supergravity

★6 Fest Exclusive Gem Rush!-Supergravity

What is Supergravity?
Dungeons with the new Supergravity restriction will heavily reduce your team’s attack power. Don’t forget to check the Special Rules on the Dungeon Screen as the reduction ratio will vary from dungeon to dungeon.

★7 Fest Exclusive Gem Rush!-Supergravity Lineup
Magical Machinist of the Guiding Star, Menoa's Gem
Magical Machinist of the Star Crusher, Menoa's Gem
Magical Machinist of the Avowed Thief, Menoa's Gem
Magical Machinist of the White Rainbow, Menoa's Gem
Magical Machinist of the Sacred City, Menoa's Gem
Golden Snowflake Ice Queen, Miada's Gem
Violet Snowflake Ice Queen, Miada's Gem
Crimson Snowflake Ice Queen, Miada's Gem
Abyssal Kouryu Emperor, Fagan - Rai's Gem
Glacial Kouryu Emperor, Fagan - Rai's Gem
Thundering Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞ - Core's Gem
Boundless Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞ - Core's Gem
Blue Jay War Goddess, Valkyrie - Ciel's Gem
Red Robin War Goddess, Valkyrie - Ciel's Gem
Glowing Star Divine Queen, Hera - Luna's Gem
Crimson Star Divine Queen, Hera - Luna's Gem
Guardian of the Ancient Capital, Athena - Non's Gem
Guardian of the Ghostly Capital, Athena - Non's Gem
Empty Sky Almighty God, Zeus - Giga's Gem
Vast Sky Almighty God, Zeus - Giga's Gem
Emberwing King of the Fairies, Albrecht's Gem
Mistwing King of the Fairies, Albrecht's Gem
Notorious Ancient Dragon Knight - Rex's Gem
Mysterious Ancient Dragon Knight - Rex's Gem
Azure Whorlflower Empress, Echidna - Sara's Gem
Golden Hellbloom Empress, Echidna - Sara's Gem
Blue Steel Divine Mech Emperor, Grandis' Gem
Green Steel Divine Mech Emperor, Grandis' Gem
Propitious Peacock Queen, Yurisha's Gem
Samsara Peacock Queen, Yurisha's Gem
Huge Fire Gem
Huge Water Gem
Huge Wood Gem
Huge Light Gem
Huge Dark Gem
★6 Fest Exclusive Gem Rush!-Supergravity Lineup
Mega Awoken Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia Clea's Gem
Mega Awoken Green Dragon Caller, Sonia Fio's Gem
Mega Awoken War Deity, Odin's Gem
Mega Awoken Phantom God, Odin's Gem
Mega Awoken Dark Angel Metatron's Gem
Mega Awoken Blade Mechdragon, Baldin's Gem
Mega Awoken Dragon Emperor, Sherias Roots' Gem
Mega Awoken Evil Duchess, Gremory's Gem
Mega Awoken Blue Dragonbound, Ryune's Gem
Mega Awoken Green Dragonbound, Sylvie's Gem
Mega Awoken Protecting Vials Goddess, Scheat's Gem
Mega Awoken White Phantom Demon, Ilm's Gem
Mega Awoken Great Duke of Hell, Dantalion's Gem
Mega Awoken Sacred King of Hell, Paimon's Gem
Mega Awoken Norn of the Future, Skuld's Gem
Mega Awoken Primordial Divinity, Amenominakanushi's Gem
Mega Awoken Judging Scale Goddess, Eschamali's Gem
Mega Awoken Green-Horned Princess, Fujin's Gem
Mega Awoken Yellow-Horned Princess, Raijin's Gem
Mega Awoken Wind Dragon Caller, Kaede's Gem
Mega Awoken Blazing Goddess, Macha's Gem
Mega Awoken Ruining Goddess, Morrigu's Gem
Mega Awoken Black Dragonbound, Typhon's Gem
Mega Awoken Yog-Sothoth, the Everlasting's Gem
Mega Awoken Sun Dragon Caller, Kanna's Gem
Mega Awoken God Binding Wolf, Fenrir Viz's Gem
Mega Awoken Goddess of Power, Kali's Gem
Mega Awoken Sunset God, Aten's Gem
Mega Awoken Primordial Divinity, Kamimusubi's Gem
Huge Fire Gem
Huge Water Gem
Huge Wood Gem
Huge Light Gem
Huge Dark Gem
*For the Limited Time Dungeon schedule for each day, tap the [LTD] button at the top right corner of the screen or check [Others] > [Limited Time Dungeon Schedule].
*This dungeon will not be displayed in the Special Dungeons menu if the player does not meet the Stamina requirement for it. Stamina overflow does not change this requirement.
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.