[Update] 8/21: Super Reincarnated Hathor and Super Reincarnated Anubis have received new Ordeal Evolutions! See below for more details.
*Newly added Ordeal Evolutions cannot be performed when entering the Ordeal Dungeon before the specified implementation time.
A new series, Egyptian Gods, has arrived to Ordeal Evolutions!
Set monsters that are applicable to Ordeal Evolutions as the Leader and challenge the new Ordeal Dungeon of Egyptian Gods!
Clear all ordeals within the specified turn number to perform the Ordeal Evolution!
The ordeals will be different for each monster, so make sure to check which Awoken Skills you’ll need before challenging them!
Select Monsters & Awoken Skills Needed For Puzzle Ordeal
*Awoken Skills needed for Puzzle Ordeals can also be variations of the Awoken Skill such as the + and Triple Enhanced versions.
[Implemented]: 8/23, 0:00 (UTC-8)
Sacred Life of the Divine Transcendence, Hathor
Hell Path of the Divine Transcendence, Anubis
See here for details on Ordeal Evolutions for Sacred Life of the Divine Transcendence, Hathor and Hell Path of the Divine Transcendence, Anubis: https://loom.ly/B0NHRyQ
[Implemented]: After the maintenance starting 6/11, 17:00 (UTC-8)
Death Goddess of the Divine Transcendence, Nephthys
See here for details on Ordeal Evolutions for Death Goddess of the Divine Transcendence, Nephthys: https://loom.ly/bdjO0wk
[Implemented]: 5/8, 0:00 (UTC-8)
Heavenly Sun of the Divine Transcendence, Aten
Providence of the Divine Transcendence, Medjedra
See here for details on Ordeal Evolutions for Heavenly Sun of the Divine Transcendence, Aten and Providence of the Divine Transcendence, Medjedra: https://bit.ly/3wjL0q4
[Implemented]: After the maintenance starting 4/17, 18:00 (UTC-8)
Flaming Falcon of the Divine Transcendence, Horus
Holy Sea Deity of the Divine Transcendence, Isis
Lovely Feline of the Divine Transcendence, Bastet
See here for details on See here for details on Ordeal Evolutions for Flaming Falcon of the Divine Transcendence, Horus; Holy Sea Deity of the Divine Transcendence, Isis; and Lovely Feline of the Divine Transcendence, Bastet: https://bit.ly/4avAfje
Notes Regarding Puzzle Ordeals
The Puzzle Ordeal for the Boss will assign fixed tasks such as making a specified number of combos. A specific number of these tasks will need to be completed within the specified turn number.
1 task must be cleared within 1 turn in order to be considered completed. Failure to do so will result in redoing the same task.
If all tasks are not completed within the specified turn number, it will result in an automatic Game Over.
Ordeal Evolutions cannot be canceled if the conditions for the Evolution are met and the dungeon is cleared. If you do not want to perform an Ordeal Evolution for a monster, please make sure to avoid setting the monster as the Leader when entering the dungeon.
To perform Ordeal Evolutions, set the applicable monster as the Leader and clear Ordeal Dungeon of Egyptian Gods after the Evolution is implemented in the game.
The dungeon has No Helpers/Leader Change Skills Invalid/No Continues restrictions.
The dungeon can be cleared without setting monsters applicable to Ordeal Evolutions in the team.
Much like other Evolution forms such as Reincarnation Evolutions, Ordeal Evolution monsters can only be devolved by performing Complete Devolution, which will revert the monster to its base form, using Baselit.
Players can check the name of the dungeon necessary for a monster’s Ordeal Evolution when tapping on the Evo Search button of the monster.
PPerforming an Ordeal Evolution will revert the monster’s Level and Skill Level to 1. The + value, Awoken Skill, Latent Awoken Skill and number of unlocked Latent Awoken Slots will all remain the same as before the Ordeal Evolution took place. However, Latent Awoken Skills that fit the following criterias will be removed:
Latent Awoken Skills such as Damage Limit Break that require Level Limit Breakthroughs.
Latent Awoken Skills such as Type Killers that will become inapplicable once the monster undergoes Ordeal Evolution and changes Types.
See here for details on Ordeal Dungeon of Greco-Roman Gods: https://bit.ly/47ENZpt
*All information is up-to-date at the time of publication.
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.
*When unlocking a recently added or changed Super Awakening, please perform a Super Awakening again after the changes have been implemented.