[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
School is almost out, and so is PAD Academy! The popular series is back with a whole new semester to close out the school year! Get ready to enjoy the last bits of student life with Academy-themed monsters, obtainable through limited-time Egg Machines, and challenge Special Dungeons with new and returning students!
See below for all the exciting details this semester has to offer!
New Evolutions & Upgrades!

This time, Great Witch of the Primary School, Remu has received a new Evolution!
Additionally, new monsters such as Baseball Club's Red Dragon Caller, Sonia have received Assist Evolutions!
Select monsters have received upgrades as well!
See here for more information on the new Evolutions & Upgrades: https://bit.ly/3wkEBLk
PAD Academy Egg Machine & 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Academy Egg Machine
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
2 limited-time Egg Machines, PAD Academy Egg Machine and 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Academy Egg Machine, will be available for the duration of the event! ★6 monsters and above are guaranteed from the 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Academy Egg Machine!
Additionally, new monsters, such as Baseball Club's Red Dragon Caller, Sonia and Student Counselor & Rebel Gal Dragon Callers, Satsuki & Kanna, will join the academy as well!
*All monsters from these Egg Machines will arrive with +99 on HP, ATK, or RCV.
*Check in-game for a full list of the PAD Academy Egg Machine and 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Academy Egg Machine lineup.
PAD Academy Login Stamp Arrives!
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For the duration of this event, collect special PAD Academy Login Stamps!
According to the number of days you log in during the event, rewards such as PAD Academy Egg Machine will be sent to your in-game mail!
For this Login Stamp duration, players can receive up to 25 Magic Stones in total, so make sure to log in as much as you can!
*Rewards will be sent to you via in-game mail.
*Earned rewards can be viewed from [Others] > [Login Stamp(s)].
*Rewards are obtainable based on the total number of days logged in during the event. It is not based on the specific login day.
Ex) For the Login Stamp Reward on Day 5:
Day 5 Reward can be received once the player has logged in 5 cumulative days during the event.
Players do not need to log in for 5 consecutive days to meet the requirement to receive the Day 5 Reward. Only the number of days logged in must total to 5.
Logging in on the 5th day of the month during the event will not reward players with the Day 5 Reward, as the number of days logged in will be 1. (Day 1 Reward will be received.)
*Logging in between 18:00 and 17:59 the next day will be counted as [1 day].
*[Login Stamp] may not be displayed when starting the game with a new account.
(Rewards will be received as normal. Earned rewards can be viewed from in-mail or [Others] > [Login Stamp].)
*Depending on the player’s device, some parts of the [Login Stamp] screen may not be properly displayed.
(Rewards will be received as normal.)
Limited-Time Egg Machine Bundles!

For a limited time, special Egg Machine bundles will be available for purchase at the Magic Stone Shop!
Check below for details of each bundle!
1 Magic Stone & ★6+ PAD Academy Egg Machine
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $0.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
1 Magic Stone
★6+ PAD Academy Egg Machine
30 Magic Stones & GEARSTEP, Planar & Scheat Egg Machine
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
GEARSTEP, Planar & Scheat Egg Machine
5x Event Medal - Black
When a player receives GEARSTEP, Planar & Scheat for the first time, the PAD Academy BGM Set will be unlocked!
30 Magic Stones & PAD Academy Vione Egg Machine
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
PAD Academy Vione Egg Machine
5x Event Medal - Black
When a player receives Wind Band's Draconic Songstress on Double Bass, Vione for the first time, the PAD Academy BGM Set 2 will be unlocked!
30 Magic Stones & PAD Academy Sonia Egg Machine
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
PAD Academy Sonia Egg Machine
5x Event Medal - Black
When a player receives Baseball Club's Red Dragon Caller, Sonia for the first time, the PAD Academy BGM Set 3 will be unlocked!
*All monsters from these Egg Machines will arrive with +99 on HP, ATK, or RCV.
Monster Exchange Seasonal Event Lineup
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 23:59 (UTC-8)
For the duration of this event, an array of PAD Academy monsters will be available in the Monster Exchange!
Monsters Available for Exchange (Partial)
Student Counselor & Rebel Gal Dragon Callers, Satsuki & Kanna NEW!
Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung NEW!
PAD Academy ID
PAD Academy Report Card (One-Time Only)
PAD Academy Student's Handbook (One-Time Only)
Student Counselor & Rebel Gal Dragon Callers, Satsuki & Kanna
Players can exchange for 15 select PAD Academy monsters.
Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung

*Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung's Gem and Newspaper Club's New Member, Waron will drop in the event’s Special Dungeon.
See here for more details.
Base Form

Assist Evolution

*See the Event category in the Monster Exchange after 5/16, 18:00 (UTC-8) for full details on the exchange conditions.
*All monsters that can be used to complete the exchange will be displayed after tapping the “+” button.
*If monsters needed for the exchange are included on a player’s team, they cannot be selected for the exchange.
Limited-Time Monster in the MP Shop
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For a limited time, Light Music Club's Kirin Princess, Sakuya and PAD Academy ID will be available in the MP Shop!

PAD Academy
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For the duration of the event, the Special Dungeon, PAD Academy will be available to challenge! In this dungeon, select PAD Academy monsters such as Hera-Ur-Senpai will appear!
Having PAD Academy monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!
Clearing the Entrance Ceremony-Expert floor for the first time will reward players with PAD Academy Memorial Egg Machine x3 Pulls!
Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung Descended!
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
The Special Dungeon, Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung Descended!, and 3-Player Multiplayer Dungeon, Multiplayer! Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung Descended! arrive!
Having PAD Academy monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!
Players who clear Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung Descended! for the first time will receive 1x Event Medal - Black!
Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung's Gem will drop at a fixed rate and will be needed to exchange with Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung in the Monster Exchange!
Set Select Monsters as Your Leader to Receive 100% Drop Rate for Boss Gem!
Setting PAD Academy monsters as your Leader when challenging these dungeons will guarantee a 100% drop rate for Swimming Club's Advisor, Volsung's Gem!
*Helpers will not fulfill the condition.
*All teams must fulfill the conditions for the 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon.
Set Select Monsters as Your Leader to Receive Conditional Clear Rewards!
By setting select monsters (including their evolved forms) as the Leader when challenging these dungeons, players will receive conditional clear rewards via in-game mail!

*Conditional Clear Rewards can only be received once for each monster (including its evolved forms).
*Helpers will not fulfill the condition for receiving the Conditional Clear Rewards.
Select Descended Dungeon Available All Day!
Select Dungeon
Volsung Descended!-Special
GEARSTEP Title Challenge!
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For a limited time, the solo-play only Special Dungeon, GEARSTEP Title Challenge! will be available!
This dungeon will have a time limit!
All players who manage to clear this dungeon within the time limit will receive the [GEARSTEP] title!

Story Dungeon, PAD Academy - GEARSTEP’s Chapter Arrives!
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
The Story Dungeon, PAD Academy - GEARSTEP’s Chapter will be available for a limited time!
Clear this dungeon for the first time to receive Planar's Favorite Radio Cassette Player needed to evolve Mechanical Engineering Department, Planar, and one free pull from the Clear Reward! GEARSTEP Egg Machine!
*All monsters from this Egg Machine will arrive with +99 on HP, ATK, or RCV.

*First-time clear rewards will be sent via in-game mail to the [Friend] menu’s Mail/Friend Invites screen once the Epilogue of the Story Dungeon is cleared. Rewards sent via in-game mail may take some time to receive.
*For previously cleared floors only, story segments can be skipped by going to: [Others] > [Options] > [System] > [Story Skip].
Skill Leveling Dungeon PAD Academy
[Duration]: 5/16, 18:00 - 6/3, 17:59 (UTC-8)
A Skill Leveling Dungeon has arrived for a limited time!
Using a monster in your team that has the same Skill as a monster in this dungeon will guarantee a Skill Up for that monster!
Check in-game to see the monsters that appear on each floor!
*In order to skill up in a dungeon, Monster Leveling must be turned On from the Options screen of the Others menu.