[Duration]: 1/8 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 1/31 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PST)
The Solo-play only Special Dungeon, PAD Appreciation LS Challenge!-Combo Edition has arrived!
There will be a fixed team designated to each floor that has leaders with Leader Skills that will be activated through making combos!
Players will receive clear bonuses for each floor they clear. Clearing all floors of the PAD Appreciation LS Challenge!-Combo Edition will reward players with Rainbow Metal Dragon and a total of 5,800 + Points! Rainbow Metal Dragon will grant players 50,000,000 Monster EXP when used as Fusion Material.
Challenge these floors and make as many combos as you can!
First Time Clear Rewards
All Floors… Rainbow Metal Dragon
Lv8… 1,500 + Points
Lv7… 1,000 + Points
Lv6-No Skyfall Combos… 800 + Points
Lv5... 700 + Points
Lv4-7x6 Board… 600 + Points
Lv3… 500 + Points
Lv2… 400 + Points
Lv1… 300 + Points
*Please check in-game starting on 1/8 (Fri) to see the monsters in the Fixed Teams.
*If the player does not meet the Stamina requirement to enter the dungeon, the dungeon will not be displayed under Special Dungeons. Stamina overflow does not change this requirement.
*Dungeon must be completed within 24 hours from the end of the duration listed above to receive the bonus reward(s).