Ver.21.5 has arrived in Puzzle & Dragons!
See below for details on the new changes this update will bring!
New Functions Added to In-App Videos
Acquire Double EXP (Rank EXP) with In-App Videos
At the Completion Reward screen, in-app videos can be watched to acquire double EXP. This action can be done up to two times a day.

*When acquiring double EXP through in-app videos, the acquired EXP displayed under [Others] > [User Info] > [Play History] > [Completion History] will become green.
*When the Acquired EXP is 0, this function cannot be utilized.
*The ability to watch in-app videos will be reset at 4:00 (UTC-8) every day.
*If in-app videos are not reset after 4:00 (UTC-8), please do not move on from the Completion Reward screen and restart the app.
*If the time passes 4:00 (UTC-8) before or during viewing an in-app video, that view will be counted towards the view count after the reset.
Continue with In-App Videos
In dungeons where continuations are available, select [Watch to continue] > [Watch] to continue after a GAME OVER. This action can be done up to two times a day.

*The ability to watch in-app videos will be reset at 4:00 (UTC-8) every day.
*If the time passes 4:00 (UTC-8) while in a dungeon, the in-app video will not be reset and that view will be counted towards the view count before the reset.
In this case, the ability to watch in-app videos will be reset after clearing or leaving the dungeon.
Notes Regarding the 2 Functions of In-App Videos:
*Standard rates apply while watching in-app videos.
*If in-app videos cannot be watched, please see here for more details.
*During Multiplayer, Ranking Dungeons, Story Dungeons or the Tutorial, these functions will be unavailable.
Adjustments to Make Monster Enhancements More Convenient
Coins are no longer necessary for setting Assists.
Under [Others] > [Options] > [System], an On/Off setting for [Monster Enhancement Animation Skip], was added. When turned [On], animations for Fusion, Evolutions, and Assist assignments will be skipped.
*The default for this setting is [Off].
Adjustments for Easier Use of Evo Skills
During battles, Evo Skill Stages will be displayed on thumbnails of monsters with Evo Skills. *When Skills for Assist become available, the Evo Skill Stage will not be displayed.
During the animation for Evo Skill, players can now move Orbs or use Skills.
Evo Skill animations have been shortened.
Adjustments to [L] Heal Matching Awoken Skill Effect

Adjustments to Edit Team Easier
The [Team Details] button has been added. When turned [ON], each monster’s information will appear.
*The default for this setting is [OFF].
*This feature is only available in select screen ratios.

▼Information displayed when Team Details are [ON].

Each parameter reflects the effects of badges.

New Animations Added to ★6 and ★7+ Monster Thumbnails
New Technical Dungeon, Return of the Transcendent Stars, Has Been Added!

See here for more details: https://loom.ly/SSz3M1g
Metallic Star Dragon & Cat Dragon Series Dungeons Permanently Available in Technical Dungeons!
Metallic Star Dragon and Cat Dragon series dungeons needed for Monthly Exchangeable Monsters from the Monster Exchange have become permanently available in Technical Dungeons!
Added Dungeons
EX 1-9: Cat Dragons' Mountain Forest
EX 1-10: Metallic Star Dragons' Spire Tower
*Cat Dragons' Mountain Forest and Metallic Star Dragons' Spire Tower dungeons will be available to challenge once Technical Dungeon, Mythic Stone Dragon Cave, has been cleared.
Select Special Dungeons Have Become Unavailable
The following Special Dungeons have become unavailable after the maintenance:
Fire & Dark Metallic Star Dragons-Fire Enhanced
Water & Light Metallic Star Dragons-Water Enhanced
Wood & Flame Metallic Star Dragons-Wood Enhanced
Light & Earth Metallic Star Dragons-Light Enhanced
Dark & Ocean Metallic Star Dragons-Dark Enhanced
Dark Cat Dragon-No Light
Seasonal Event Monsters Permanently Available in the MP Shop!
Seasonal Event monsters, such as the PAD New Year’s Card, have become permanently available in the MP Shop!
General Improvements
The new floor, Supergravity (0.16% ATK), has been added to the Endless Corridors-Supergravity dungeon.
See here for details on Endless Corridors-Supergravity: https://bit.ly/3T059Ze
In regards to the clear status that can be checked from the [Check Clear Rewards] button, the dungeon name backgrounds have been changed to be in correspondence with the dungeon type (e.g., Special, Technical, Normal).
While selecting each option’s name or holding the [?] icon,the corresponding description for the option will be displayed.
Bug fixes and other adjustments have been implemented to improve overall player experience.