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Ice Palace of Latent Power Arrives!

[Duration]: 2/11, 0:00 - 2/20, 00:00 (PST)

For a limited time, the solo-play only Special Dungeon, Ice Palace of Latent Power will be available to play!

1x Latent TAMADRA (Skill Delay Resist.) will be guaranteed to invade on the Path of Endurance-Mythical Plus floor!

Additionally, either Latent TAMADRA (Skill Delay Resist.) or Latent TAMADRA (All Stats Imp.) will invade on the Path of Endurance-Mythical floor!

That’s not all! Seven Seas Protector Goddess, Tethys will invade both floors at a fixed rate! Seven Seas Protector Goddess, Tethys is guaranteed to drop Latent TAMADRA (Skill Delay Resist.) when defeated, so players will have more chances to gather them!

Challenging the dungeon with select monsters in the team will increase the rate Seven Seas Protector Goddess, Tethys invades the dungeon!

Seven Seas Protector Goddess, Tethys will invade the Path of Endurance-Mythical Plus floor guaranteed, and Seven Seas Protector Goddess, Tethys’s invasion rate will double for the Path of Endurance-Mythical floor!

Condition: Enter the dungeon with the select monster below set as your Leader, Sub, or Helper.

*Assists will not reflect the increase in invasion rate.

Select monsters listed above such as Flamewing Twin Dragon King, Wangren have received upgrades!

See here for more information on the upgrades:

Notes: *The dungeon will not be displayed in the Special Dungeons menu if the player does not meet the Stamina requirements. Stamina overflow does not change this requirement.

*Gifts via in-game mail have expiration dates. When an in-game mail expires, attached monsters, Magic Stones, Dungeons, Coins, and any points such as Pal Points will become unredeemable.

For more details on in-game mail expiration dates, see here.

*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.

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