[Starting]: 8/1/23, 0:00 (UTC-8)
The lineup for Godfest Egg Machine-Tier 5 will be getting updated! This Egg Machine is a part of the clear rewards for the 1st of the Month Dungeon, a P&D Pass exclusive dungeon that can be played on the first day of each month. Clearing this dungeon every month will level the dungeon up, with the 5th clear of the 1st of the Month Dungeon rewarding a pull from the Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 5.
See here for more information on the P&D Pass: https://bit.ly/37Ysfrv
Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 5 Lineup Update
The following monsters will be added to the Egg Machine lineup.
Diamond REMDra with REMDra & PEMDra
Royal Oak & Nautilus
Sea Wolf & Daytona
Carat & Silk & Cameo
Stone Hermit Dragon, Grannerv
Shynee & Baddie
Flamie & Bubblie
Bewitching Scale Dual-Blade Warrior, Sagiri
Fiery Serenity Dual-Axe Princess, Myllie
Holy Crimson Dual-Sword Princess, Elfreide
Mermaid & Succubus
*Please check the lineup of Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 5, dungeon schedule, and other clear rewards here.
*A pull for the Godfest Egg Machine - Tier 5 obtained before 8/1/23, 0:00 (UTC-8) will not have the updated lineup.