[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Get ready to slip into your sandals and load up on good vibes! Dive into unforgettable fun with the return of PAD Island! Tons of summer-themed monsters are officially on vacation mode, ready to welcome you with the PAD Island Egg Machine, 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Island Egg Machine, and festive Login Stamps that are sure to be a slice of paradise!
See below for all the excitement this special event has to offer!
New Evolutions & Upgrades!

Newly added monsters such as Summer Vacation Illusionary Artist, Pastel have received Assist Evolutions!
In addition, select monsters have received upgrades!
See here for more details: https://loom.ly/-oBmzjQ
6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Island Egg Machine & PAD Island Egg Machine
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
2 limited-time Rare Egg Machines, 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Island Egg Machine and PAD Island Egg Machine, will be available for the duration of the event!
★6 monsters and above are guaranteed from the 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Island Egg Machine!
Additionally, new monsters, such as Summer Sky's Milky Way Gods, Orihime & Hikoboshi and Clear Sea Deities, Isis & Nephthys, will join in on the summer fun!
*All monsters from these Egg Machines will arrive with +99 on HP, ATK, or RCV.
*Check in-game for a full list of the 6 Magic Stones! ★6+ PAD Island Egg Machine and PAD Island Egg Machine lineup.
*We recommend that players check the lineup before pulling at the Rare Egg Machine.
PAD Island Login Stamp Arrives!
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For the duration of this event, collect special PAD Island Login Stamps!
According to the number of days you log in during the event, rewards such as PAD Island Egg Machine will be sent to your in-game mail!
Limited-Time Egg Machine Bundles

For a limited time, special Egg Machine bundles will be available for purchase!
Check below for details of each bundle!
1 Magic Stone & ★6+ PAD Island Egg Machine
[Duration 1]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/8, 17:59 (UTC-8)
[Duration 2]: 10/8, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $0.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
1 Magic Stone
★6+ PAD Island Egg Machine
20 Magic Stones & Idol Group, HEARTS Egg Machine
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $19.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
20 Magic Stones
Idol Group, HEARTS Egg Machine
Orb Skin
When a player receives Idol Group, HEARTS for the first time, the Idol Group Orbs Skin will be unlocked!

20 Magic Stones & PAD Island Pastel Egg Machine
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $19.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
20 Magic Stones
PAD Island Pastel Egg Machine
Orb Skin
When a player receives Summer Vacation Illusionary Artist, Pastel for the first time, the Summer Vacation Orbs Skin will be unlocked!

30 Magic Stones & PAD Island Minaka Egg Machine
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
PAD Island Minaka Egg Machine
5x Event Medal - Black
When a player receives Cooling Draconic Songstress on Koto, Minaka for the first time, the Summer Vacation BGM Set will be unlocked!
30 Magic Stones & Girl Band, TRIANGLE BEAT Egg Machine
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
Girl Band, TRIANGLE BEAT Egg Machine
5x Event Medal - Black
When a player receives Girl Band, TRIANGLE BEAT for the first time, the Summer Vacation BGM Set 2 will be unlocked!
30 Magic Stones & Clear Sea Deities, Isis & Nephthys Egg Machine
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
Clear Sea Deities, Isis & Nephthys Egg Machine
300,000 Monster Points
When a player receives Clear Sea Deities, Isis & Nephthys for the first time, the Monster Enhancement [PAD Island] badge will be available!

*All monsters from these Egg Machines will arrive with +99 on HP, ATK, or RCV.
Monster Exchange Seasonal Event Lineup
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 23:59 (UTC-8)
For the duration of this event, an array of PAD Island monsters will be available in the Monster Exchange!
Additionally, players can exchange PAD Island's Seashells, which drop from dungeons such as PAD Island, for various monsters!
Monsters Available for Exchange (Partial)
Exchange with All Required Monsters (Unlimited)
Beach Hut Master, Gainaut NEW!
Exchange with 5x Event Medal - Black (Unlimited)
Fishing God of Thunder, Thor
Exchange with 5x PAD Island's Seashell - Rainbow (One-Time Only for Each)
TAMADRA Deluxe Shaved Ice
TAMADRA's Swimming Ring
Exchange with 1x PAD Island's Seashell - Rainbow (Unlimited)
Cooling PAD Fan
Beach Hut Master, Gainaut

*Beach Hut Master, Gainaut's Gem and Island REMDra will drop in the event’s Special Dungeon.
See here for more details.
Base Form

Leader Skill Damage Reduction Rate: 50%
Assist Evolution

*The list above is a partial listing from the full Monster Exchange event lineup.
*See the Event category in the Monster Exchange during the event duration for full details on the exchange conditions.
*Event Medal - Black can be exchanged for 5x Event Medal - Rainbow.
Limited-Time Monster in the MP Shop
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For a limited time, select PAD Island monsters will be available in the MP Shop!

PAD Island
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For the duration of the event, the Special Dungeon, PAD Island will be available to challenge!
Having PAD Island monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!
Take on this dungeon for a chance to earn PAD Island's Seashell drops to use in the Monster Exchange during the event!
Additionally, Cool Evening Sorceress, Almadel and Incognito Queen, Awilda will drop at a fixed rate!
That’s not all! Clearing the Vacation-Expert floor for the first time will reward players one pull from the PAD Island Egg Machine!
Beach Hut Master, Gainaut Descended!
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
The Special Dungeon, Beach Hut Master, Gainaut Descended!, arrives!
Having PAD Island monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!
The boss will drop Beach Hut Master, Gainaut's Gem at a fixed rate! This monster will be needed to exchange with Beach Hut Master, Gainaut in the Monster Exchange!
Additionally, players will be rewarded with the PAD Island Egg Machine as a first-time clear reward!
Set Select Monsters as Your Leader to Receive 100% Drop Rate for Boss Gem!
Setting select monsters as your Leader when challenging the dungeon will guarantee a 100% drop rate for Beach Hut Master, Gainaut's Gem!
Select Monsters
PAD Island Monsters
*Helpers will not fulfill the condition.
Set Select Monsters as Your Leader to Receive Conditional Clear Rewards!
By setting select monsters (including their evolved forms) as the Leader and clearing the dungeon for the first time, players will receive conditional clear rewards via in-game mail!

*Conditional Clear Rewards can only be received once for each monster (including its evolved forms).
*Helpers will not fulfill the condition for receiving the Conditional Clear Rewards.
Select Descended Dungeon Available All Day!
Select Dungeon
Gainaut Descended!-Special
Khepri Descended!-Orb move time 4 sec
The 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon, Multiplayer! Beach Hut Master, Gainaut Descended!, will be available as well!
*Players will not receive first-time clear rewards and conditional clear rewards from the 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon.
*All teams must fulfill the conditions for the 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon to receive 100% drop rate.
TriBEAT & HEARTS Live on Stage!
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
The Special Dungeon, TriBEAT & HEARTS Live on Stage!, arrives!
Having PAD Island monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!
On top of regular monsters, special Assist Monsters such as Summertime Suzaku, Leilan's Photo will drop at a fixed rate when defeated!
In addition, clearing this dungeon for the first time will reward players with 2x Event Medal - Rainbow!
Set Select Monsters as Your Leader to Receive 100% Drop Rate!
Setting select monsters as your Leader when challenging the dungeon will increase your drop rate to 100%!
*Monsters will drop at random, regardless of Monster Type. Special Assist Monsters cannot be guaranteed to drop.
Example of Clear Rewards▼

Select Monsters
PAD Island Monsters
*Helpers will not fulfill the condition.
The 3-Player Multiplayer Dungeon, Multiplayer! TriBEAT & HEARTS Live on Stage!, will be available as well!
*Players will not receive first-time clear rewards from the 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon.
*All teams must fulfill the conditions for the 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon to receive 100% drop rate.
[TRIANGLE BEAT] & [HEARTS] Title Challenges Arrive!
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
For a limited time, the solo-play only Special Dungeons, TRIANGLE BEAT Title Challenge! and HEARTS Title Challenge! will be available!
These dungeons will have time limits and can only be challenged with fixed teams!
All players who manage to clear these dungeons within the time limit will receive the [TRIANGLE BEAT] title for clearing the TRIANGLE BEAT Title Challenge!, and the [HEARTS] title for clearing the HEARTS Title Challenge!

[HEARTS] Title

Story Dungeon, PAD Island Chapter Arrives!
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
The Story Dungeon, PAD Island Chapter will be available for a limited time!
Clear this dungeon for the first time to receive a special Evolution Material for a specific monster!
Additionally, when clearing this dungeon for the first time, players will receive one free pull from the Clear Reward! TriBEAT & HEARTS Egg Machine!
*All monsters from this Egg Machine will arrive with +99 on HP, ATK, or RCV.
*The Story Dungeon will begin at the Prologue, and Clear Rewards can be obtained even if the player has cleared the Story in a previous iteration.

Skill Leveling Dungeon PAD Island
[Duration]: 10/1, 18:00 - 10/15, 17:59 (UTC-8)
A Skill Leveling Dungeon arrives for a limited time!
Using a monster in your team that has the same Skill as a monster in this dungeon will guarantee a Skill Up for that monster!
Check in-game to see the monsters that appear on each floor!
*In order to skill up in a dungeon, Monster Leveling must be turned On from the Options screen of the Others menu.