We'll be asking questions to our players via the Puzzle & Dragons NA Team's official Twitter account (@PuzzDragNA) to determine which Gems will appear as future bonuses!
There will be several questions throughout the month of August, so if you haven’t already, make sure to follow our official Twitter to stay up to date!
Gem Questionnaire 3
Tweet for Question 3: https://bit.ly/3Da9hNH
Gem Questionnaire 2
Tweet for Question 2: https://bit.ly/3syF1XX
Gem Questionnaire 1
Tweet for Question 1-1: https://bit.ly/3iQBuks
Tweet for Question 1-2: https://bit.ly/3xSvj3M
*To participate in the questionnaire, players will need to own a Twitter account.
*Twitter is not affiliated with this questionnaire.
*Please follow the rules & guidelines of Twitter when using Twitter.
*Survey may be suspended if attempts to rig the results are uncovered.
*All images and data displayed are in development and may be adjusted if necessary.
*Events subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here.