[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)
The Mystics & Spectres series returns to Puzzle & Dragons! Obtain unique and mythical monsters from Mystics & Spectres to give your team an extra strong dose of spiritual powers! The event will offer players numerous Egg Machines packed with Mystics & Spectres monsters, special dungeons, and more!
Evolve your Mystic Seal into a wide variety of powerful Assist Evolutions. Collect Spectral Flames from a multitude of limited time dungeons and exchange them for Spectral Fireball to perform these Assist Evolutions!
See below for all the excitement this special event has to offer!
New Evolutions & Upgrades!

Select Mystics & Spectres monsters such as Silvery Snowfall Spirit, Yukine have received upgrades!
See here for more details: https://bit.ly/3SocWjm
Rare Egg Machine Mystics & Spectres
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)

For a limited time, the Rare Egg Machine will highlight monsters from Mystics & Spectres such as Gigantic Skeleton-Man, Mukotsu and Healer of the Ministry of Mystics, Izuna! Other Fest Exclusive monsters will also be included in the lineup!
*Players will be able to check the contents of the Rare Egg Machine by clicking the “Lineup” button from the Machine menu.
*We recommend that players check the lineup before pulling at the Rare Egg Machine.
Mystics & Spectres Memorial Egg Machine
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)

Players will receive one free pull from the Mystics & Spectres Memorial Egg Machine just for logging in!
*Gifts via in-game mail have expiration dates. The Memorial Egg Machine attached to the in-game mail will become unredeemable after the expiration date. Please check the in-game mail for the expiration dates.
Limited-Time Egg Machine Bundles!

For a limited time, special Egg Machine bundles will be available for purchase at the Magic Stone Shop!
Check below for details of each bundle!
2 Magic Stones & Mystics & Spectres Egg Machine
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)
Price: $1.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
2 Magic Stones
Mystics & Spectres Egg Machine
30 Magic Stones & ★7 Mystics & Spectres Egg Machine
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
★7 Mystics & Spectres Egg Machine
Spectral Flame Sphere
★Spectral Flame Sphere
Spectral Flame Sphere is obtainable through the Mystics & Spectres Story Dungeon, and is required to Assist Evolve the event exclusive monster, Flame Wheel Mystic, Seina, into Exorcising Sword, Fudouka the Unwavering Flame!
30 Magic Stones & Cataclysmic Canid God, Roukou Egg Machine
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)
Price: $29.99 (USD)
Bundle Contents:
30 Magic Stones
Cataclysmic Canid God, Roukou Egg Machine
Orb Skin
When a player receives Accountant to the Ministry of Mystics, Kugane for the first time, Mystics & Spectres Orbs Skin will be unlocked!

When a player receives Glacial Snow-Woman, Yukine for the first time, Mystics & Spectres BGM Set will be unlocked!
Mystics & Spectres Dungeon
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)
For a limited time, the solo-play only Special Dungeon, Mystics & Spectres arrives!
Players can earn Spectral Flame when defeating the monsters in the dungeon!
Having the Mystics & Spectres Event monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!
Players will be rewarded a Mystic Seal and Spectral Rainbow Fireball via in-game mail for clearing the Tenroku-Expert floor for the first time!
Mystics & Spectres Colosseum!
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)
The Special Dungeon, Mystics & Spectres Colosseum! and 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon, Multiplayer! Mystics & Spectres Colosseum! arrive!
Having the Mystics & Spectres Event monsters in your team in this dungeon will raise their parameters!
Monsters such as 5 Attributes of Spectral Fireball; Spectral Rainbow Flame; and Latent TAMADRA (Fire Dmg. Red.+) will drop at a fixed rate when defeated!
Mystics & Spectres Colosseum! consists of 2 floors of the following difficulties: Annihilation and Legend!
Players who clear these floors for the first time will receive one free pull from the Mystics & Spectres Memorial Egg Machine for clearing Spectral Rampancy-Legend, and one Event Medal - Black for clearing Spectral Rampancy-Annihilation!
Set Select Monsters as Your Leader to Increase Drop Rate!
Setting select monsters as your Leader when challenging these dungeons will increase your drop rate!
Doing so will also make your drop rates 100% on the Spectral Rampancy-Annihilation floor!
Select Monsters
Mystics & Spectres Event monsters
*Helpers will not fulfill the condition.
*All teams must fulfill the conditions for the 3-Player Multiplayer dungeon.
Mystics & Spectres Story Dungeon Arrives!
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)

During the duration of the event, the Mystics & Spectres Story Dungeon arrives! Clear all floors to receive clear rewards such as Spectral Flame Sphere!

*If players have received the first-time clear rewards in a previous iteration, they will not receive the rewards again.
*Bonus rewards will be sent via in-game mail to the [Friend] menu’s Mail/Friend Invites screen once the Epilogue of the Story Dungeon is cleared. Rewards sent via in-game mail may take some time to receive.
*For previously cleared floors only, story segments can be skipped by going to: [Others] > [Options] > [System] > [Story Skip].
Monster Exchange Event Lineup
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 23:59 (PST)
For the duration of this event, an array of Mystics & Spectres monsters such as Cataclysmic Canid God, Roukou will be available in the Monster Exchange!
Players can also exchange Cataclysmic Canid God, Roukou for Head of the Ministry of Mystics, Mikage!
Cataclysmic Canid God, Roukou

Head of the Ministry of Mystics, Mikage

Additionally, players can exchange Spectral Flames that drop from dungeons such as Mystics & Spectres for Spectral Fireballs!
Collect various rare materials including Spectral Rainbow Fireball that are also available at the Monster Exchange, and required to perform for various Assist Evolutions for Mystic Seal!
Monsters Available for Exchange (Partial)
Cataclysmic Canid God, Roukou
Spectral Rainbow Fireball
Spectral Rainbow Flame
5 Attributes of Spectral Fireball
*See the Event category in the Monster Exchange after 2/1, 18:00 (PST) for full details on the exchange conditions.
*All monsters that can be used to complete the exchange will be displayed after tapping the “+” button.
*If monsters needed for the exchange are included on a player’s team, they cannot be selected for the exchange.
*Monsters such as Cataclysmic Canid God, Roukou and Head of the Ministry of Mystics, Mikage are also obtainable from the Rare Egg Machine being held during the Mystics & Spectres event.
Limited Time Mystic Seal Monster

For the duration of this event, the Mystic Seal will be obtainable through special methods! The Mystic Seal can be evolved into powerful Assist Evolutions. Players can exchange Spectral Flames for the Evo Materials required for these Assist Evolutions available from the limited-time Monster Exchange lineup. Read on for more details!
See here for more details on the Mystic Seal Assist Evolutions: https://bit.ly/3pygzco
Log in to receive Mystic Seal!
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 17:59 (PST)
Obtain Mystic Seal by logging into the Puzzle & Dragons for the duration of the event!
Limited-Time MP Shop Lineup!
[Duration]: 2/1, 18:00 - 2/8, 23:59 (PST)
For a limited time, Mystic Seal will be available in the MP Shop!
Mystic Seal
Cost: 100,000 Monster Points
Mystic Seal